An art space dedicated to horse painting
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James Phua, a young and dynamic artist who started his journey of art since childhood time. Having his first solo art exhibition at age of 19. Today he is an internationally renowned artist of Chinese horse painting. 《 Chinese: 潘瑞全,一位年轻有活力的画家。从小即展现他的艺术才华,19岁即受邀举办第一次个展。今日他已是享誉国际的水墨画马名家,》

James Phua 潘瑞全 – who has written posts on James Phua De Horse.

Neeta Batra (Singapore) learning Chinese painting with James Phua

Neeta Batra (Singapore) learning Chinese painting with James Phua

Neeta Batra, a Singaporean student, said: “Chinese brush painting is very challenging but it is very interesting.”

Neeta told me that she enjoyed the art class so much. Neeta said she preferred concentrating to paint a particular subject for a few lessons rather than changing the subject to paint every lesson. I admire her attitude of learning art. She has shown great improvement in her artworks.


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The Horse Masterpiece Art Gallery

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